PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION – Technical evaluations

As part of the INTER Group, TECHNICAL APPRAISALS BRASIL is a company specialized in technical customs inspections, with a team of specialists composed by engineers and administrators dully qualified in Expert Appraisals and Evaluations.

In some special operations, pre-shipment inspections are essential to settle doubts and conduct the whole custom process, through the emission of a detailed Technical Opinion, that supports all the documental basis required by the authorities;

Besides, it is also liable of technical inspections, through the emission of a Technical and Evaluation Opinion registered in CREA (Engineering and Architecture Regional Council):

  • revision of Fiscal Classifications (NCM);
  • validation of productive processes for some Special Customs Regimes
  • Technical identification of New and Used Machines and Equipment for import or export;
  • “in loco” technical monitoring for disassembly, packaging, container fitting and shipping of Machines and Equipment overseas;
  • Inspection Reports emission acknowledge by CREA to subsidize physical verifications made by the Receita Federal (Federal Revenue);

Service offered to clients importing machines and equipment. It is composed of an instructional technical material with a photographic record of the main information, technical parameters and essential parts of the machines, with the following goals:

To facilitate the characterization of the benefit during customs clearance, allowing for a better detailing and identification of its essential parts.

To allow a better detailing and visualization of the machine, facilitating the framing and application of the tax benefit.

To provide guidance for customs clearance, minimizing questions about the process.

To proportionate a better security concerning the information given to record the process, through the showing of photographs of the machine and its ID plate, as well as its main technical parameters and essential parts, minimizing errors in the instructional documents and facilitating the physical verification of the merchandise.

The greater agility in the finding of each item or essential part, facilitating the physical checking of the goods proportionate an optimization of the process’ analysis time by the Receita Federal (Federal Revenue) inspection. Consequently, the customs clearing is completed in lesser time, avoiding extra storage costs for the importer.

A more efficient custom clearing also minimizes the odds of the importer incurring in extra “demurrage” expenses.


Phone: (31) 3972-7000 – (35) 9 9744-2515


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